Sand Whiting
The sand whiting, also known as the summer whiting, yellowfin whiting or blue-nose whiting. It’s caught mostly off southern Queensland and NSW using beach seines, in estuaries using haul nets and gillnets, and sometimes as bycatch of inshore prawn and fish trawling. It looks similar to Yellowfin Whiting as both have bright yellow lower.
To Cook
Average yield is 40%. Has a delicate, sweet flavour, low oiliness and moist, medium-textured, flaky flesh with fine bones, which are easily removed. The edible skin can be left on and the bones make excellent stock.
Cooking Methods
Steam, poach, deep-fry, pan-fry, stir-fry, bake, braise, grill, barbecue, raw (sashimi). Thin fillets are best wrapped in foil or banana leaves to protect them when barbecuing or grilling. A good plate-sized fish cooked whole. Flesh has good gelling characteristics and works well in mousseline.